Some people are under the impression that a crown is indestructible. Just about any endodontist will tell you that this is wishful thinking. A crown can decay much like regular teeth. It’s also susceptible to cavities and tartar buildup. Read on to learn how to care for your dental crowns.
How Crowns Decay
Plaque tends to collect at the margin. This is the area where the crown and tooth meet. Decay can weaken the crown’s foundation, thus requiring the fitting of a new one. In other words, it’s not the crown itself that is vulnerable to plaque, but rather the tooth structure that supports it.
Click here to see a photo of decay taking place where the tooth and crown come together.
The crown itself will also eventually wear out. With proper care, though, they can last upwards of 25 to 30 years and even beyond that.
Dental Fillings
People tend to have the same idea about fillings. They think that once a filling is applied over a tooth that it’s somehow indestructible. Again, this is far from the case. Bacteria can accumulate in the small spaces and gaps underneath the filling.
Prevention of Dental Crown and Filling Decay
Follow the same steps for preventing gum disease in general. This means brushing two to three times a day, flossing daily, and rinsing. A routine x-ray exam should be performed by an oral surgeon every six months. Also be mindful of your dietary habits especially when it comes to consumption of sugary and acidic foods.
Always Maintain Your Appointments
Many patients mistakenly believe that they’re safe for another decade or two upon having a root canal, crown, or filling. To preserve the integrity of those operations, it’s imperative that you keep up with your routine appointments. Contact Mukilteo Dental Arts if you don’t already have a clinic that you visit regularly. Crowns do decay, so it’s important that our family dentists examine any previous dental work you may have had.
Root Canals & Crown Placement for Healthier Teeth
General family dentistry for Mukilteo, Everett, Lynnwood, Edmonds & Mill Creek