A new DIY teeth whitening method is trending among younger folks. Some people are using activated charcoal as a way of producing pearly whites. Is this method safe? Find out what our cosmetic dentists have to say about activated charcoal as a teeth whitener in Mukilteo.
What Is Activated Charcoal?
Activated charcoal isn’t a whole lot different from the charcoal used to fire up your grill. Charcoal, however, is porous, which allows it to absorb and trap certain chemicals. Charcoal in this form has various medicinal uses, such as lowering cholesterol and treating intestinal gas.
Charcoal as a Teeth Whitener
To use this type of charcoal to whiten teeth, you apply it directly on the teeth where it binds with the surface. When you remove the charcoal, some of the plaque and other teeth-staining particles come off with it. Charcoal is effective for removing minor stains and grittiness on the teeth. But it doesn’t create the level of whiteness you can achieve from professional bleaching.
Activated charcoal is available in tablet form, which you can grind into a fine powder. Mixed with water the powder creates a sticky paste that you apply over your teeth for about three minutes. Most people use a toothbrush to apply the charcoal paste. However, some also dab the paste to the teeth using a cotton swab.
Is This Method Safe?
Activated charcoal is harmless when ingested. It’s a whole other matter, however, when applied to the teeth. Charcoal is abrasive, which can damage enamel. Our family dentists specifically recommend against using charcoal if you have any existing cuts or abrasions on your gums or elsewhere inside your mouth.
We’ll Whiten Your Teeth Safely in Mukilteo
Call Mukilteo Dental Arts to have your teeth whitened professionally. Meet our oral surgeons to learn about the methods we use for achieving milky-white molars. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.
Activated Charcoal: Not Recommended for Pearly Whites in Mukilteo
General family dentistry for Mukilteo, Everett, Lynnwood, Edmonds & Mill Creek
Posted on October 13, 2020 | Published by Ignite Local | Related Local Business