Tongue Brushing & Why It’s Important in Mukilteo

tongue brushing Mukilteo

It’s a mystery why tongue brushing is an overlooked facet of oral hygiene. Bacteria, after all, reside everywhere inside your mouth – not just on your teeth. Some studies indicate as many as 40,000 bacteria rest on your tongue. Tongue brushing not only eliminates excess bacteria, it also helps stop bad breath. It adds only a few extra seconds to your brushing routine, so it’s well worth the time to keep your teeth and gums in optimum health.

How to Clean Your Tongue

When it comes to cleaning your tongue, either brushing or scraping will work. With the former, simply brush your tongue the way you brush your teeth. Brush both the top and bottom portion and reach as far back as possible. To avoid aggravation, use a soft-bristled toothbrush. Toothpaste is optional; you can also dip the brush in mouthwash, or just use the brush as it is. If you have bad breath, then dip your brush in a solution that contains zinc or chlorine dioxide. These compounds neutralize the sulfur in your mouth; sulfur is responsible for bad breath.

Tongue Scrapers

If brushing your tongue is simply too unpleasant due to a gag reflex, then try tongue scraping. Tongue scrapers can be purchased cheaply in the hygiene section of your local store. You can even use a spoon in place of a scraper. Simply moisten the back, place it on your tongue, and drive it forward. Rinse the spoon and repeat two to three times.

Don’t Neglect Regular Tongue Brushing in Mukilteo

If you don’t already have a clinic, please contact Mukilteo Dental Arts. Our team is comprised of friendly endodontists and oral surgeons who provide a full range of services. As part of your oral healthcare, our staff recommends making tongue brushing a part of your daily routine. Contact us today for an appointment.

Tongue Brushing-An Important Part of Oral Hygiene in Mukilteo

General family dentistry for Mukilteo, Everett, Lynnwood, Edmonds & Mill Creek

Posted on June 9, 2020 | Published by Ignite Local | Related Local Business

The Connection Between Gum Disease & Asthma in Mukilteo

Gum Disease and Asthma MukilteoWe all know poor oral health correlates strongly with overall health. If you have periodontal disease you’re more likely to develop ailments like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and osteoporosis. New studies are also now showing a link may exist between gum disease and asthma.

What the Research Says

According to a study published by the Journal of Periodontology, cavities drastically elevate a patient’s risk of developing moderate to severe asthma. The study consisted of a total of 220 participants, 107 from a control group, and 113 with a preexisting history of bronchial inflammation. After accounting for environmental and lifestyle factors, such as household income, education level and body mass index, the results revealed a startling conclusion: patients with gum disease were roughly 500% more likely to develop asthma than their counterparts with good oral health.

Having great oral health is no guarantee you’ll remain asthma-free. Likewise, the presence of plaque and tooth decay doesn’t automatically mean you’ll soon be using an inhaler. However, the findings do reinforce the fact that the health of your teeth and gums is an indicator of your overall state of health.

What You Can Do

Caring for your general health includes your oral health. Always return to the basics when it comes to oral hygiene. This means brushing twice a day and flossing. In addition to dental care at home, you also need to visit your family dentist. The same goes for your children. According to the American Lung Association, over seven million kids under the age of 18 suffer from chronic asthma nationwide. Be sure to instill good oral habits in your little ones to lower their risk of becoming asthmatics.

Information About Gum Disease and Asthma in Mukilteo

Aside from general dentistry, the doctors at Mukilteo Dental Arts  also provide endodontics, cosmetic dentistry and oral surgery. Contact the center to book your first appointment. With studies indicating a correlation between gum disease and asthma, don’t needlessly elevate your risk of developing a malady that can be prevented.

Link Between Gum Disease and Asthma in Mukilteo

General family dentistry for Mukilteo, Everett, Lynnwood, Edmonds & Mill Creek

Posted on May 11, 2020 | Published by Ignite Local | Related Local Business

How to Make Brushing & Flossing Fun for Kids

Brushing & Flossing FunFor children, brushing and flossing can be like eating vegetables. Most kids don’t look forward to cleaning their teeth and they won’t do it if parents don’t enforce it. However, oral care for your kids doesn’t have to be a dreaded chore. With a little creativity from you, the parent, you can make brushing and flossing fun for your kids.

Play a Song

While your children brush, play a song they like. Brushing is supposed to last at least two minutes, so have your children brush from the start to the end of the music. You can play a second song while your child flosses.  Here’s a fun children’s brush-along video.There are plenty of these songs available on YouTube. Find a few your children like and play whichever one they are in the mood for come brush time.

Develop a Reward System

Another way you can make brushing and flossing fun is with rewards. Children, like adults, are much more motivated if they get a reward. Every time they successfully brush and floss, reward them with a star, sticker, or token of some kind. Place a reward chart in the bathroom so they can see what they’ve earned. Visit this page for free printable dental reward charts.

Brush Along With Your Kids

Kids are natural copycats and follow the lead of their parents. Make brushing and flossing fun by brushing together.  As you brush with your children, make the experience joyful so they associate dental care with happiness.

Don’t Forget Visits to the Dentist

Also, be sure to get your children used to visiting a family dentist on a regular basis. The sooner you start, the less worried they’ll be. Mukilteo Dental Arts provides pediatric dentistry as well as endodontics,  oral surgery, and cosmetic dentistry for the whole family. Oral care for kids should start as early as possible to instill a lifelong and crucial habit.  Contact us today; we’re here to make you smile!

Make Brushing & Flossing Fun for the Whole Family

General family dentistry for Mukilteo, Everett, Lynnwood, Edmonds & Mill Creek

Posted on April 10, 2020 | Published by Ignite Local | Related Local Business

Tools for Preventive Dental Care

Preventative Dental Care

Preventive Dental Care in Mukilteo

Your family dentist can provide cosmetic dental work and restorative dental services, such as fillings, root canals, crowns, tooth extractions, and dental implants. Of course, you want to avoid requiring these procedures in the first place. Preventive dental care is your best defense against oral maladies. By practicing good oral hygiene at home and getting regular dental exams at your dentist’s office, you can enjoy years of great dental health and avoid expensive and often painful oral surgery.

Daily Brushing

Brushing your teeth twice a day is the most direct way to prevent cavities and tooth decay. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste to gently clean the front and back of your teeth with gentle, circular strokes. We also suggest brushing your tongue for a fresher breath.

Daily Flossing

Flossing daily between the teeth is necessary to remove hard-to-reach plaque, tartar, and harmful bacteria. Not only is regular flossing vital for tooth and gum health, but research shows it can lead to an overall healthier life by preventing more serious ailments like diabetes, respiratory illness, and heart disease.

Routine Dental Exams

Preventative Dental CareAn annual or bi-annual oral exam is an important part of preventive dental care. Annual dental exams ensure you’re keeping your teeth clean and healthy at home and reveals any problems that may warrant in-clinic treatment.

Professional Cleaning

Professional teeth cleaning removes plaque and bacteria that you can’t get from brushing and flossing alone. Just as your home needs a regular ‘spring cleaning’ in addition to regular housekeeping, your teeth should have a professional cleaning once to twice a year. A dentist can clean those hard-to-reach places, ensuring your teeth and gums are at their healthiest year-round.

Mukilteo Dental Arts can be reached at 425-276-7465. Give us a call today to arrange an exam for the whole family.

Preventive Dental Care in Mukilteo & South Everett

General family dentistry for Mukilteo, Everett, Lynnwood, Edmonds & Mill Creek

Published by Ignite Local | Related Local Business

Is There A Link Between a Beard and Oral Health?

oral health, beardHere is a post specifically for the dudes. Some men value the hair on their chin just as much as they do the hair on their head. However, can this inadvertently impact your dental health negatively? Does a connection exist between your beard and oral health?

Beards and Oral Health? What’s the Link?

There is a prevailing belief that a beard is a breeding ground for bacteria. Since the beard is located just below the lip, some of these bacteria can make its way into the mouth. Is there any legitimacy to this claim?

Our family dentists don’t believe so, and the studies do not support this. The belief originally stemmed from a study that has since been debunked for its lack of scientific merit.

Here’s the truth: Clean-shaven men actually had higher counts of bacteria on their faces compared to their bearded counterparts. This was according to a study published in the Journal of Hospital Infection. Here’s the reason: the men who shaved had more micro-abrasions, which harbored the bulk of bacteria.

Are Bearded Men at Risk?

With the above in mind, men with beards have little cause to worry. With that said, we can’t say that beards have zero impact on oral health. If you seldom clean your beard, then it probably does harbor excessive bacteria. Furthermore, a beard also obscures the jawline. This makes it harder to spot potential health problems that may require oral surgery. Beards may hide reddishness or lumps that may be a cyst or swollen lymph node.

Beard or Not, Stop by Our Clinic

Come by Mukilteo Dental Arts; our cosmetic dentists can give you pearly whites that complement your beard. That tuft of hair on your chin is no cause for alarm as long as you maintain good hygiene. Very little correlation exists between your beard and oral health.

Dental Care for Men, Women, and Children

General family dentistry for Mukilteo, Everett, Lynnwood, Edmonds & Mill Creek

Pregnancy and Dental X-Rays: Are X-Rays Safe for Expectant Mothers?

dental x-rays pregnancySome women are concerned about how the radiation exposure of dental x-rays might affect their pregnancy. Some pregnant women even worry about being exposed to radiation when they use a mobile phone. Let’s explore whether or not there’s a risk to you and your unborn child from getting a dental x-ray.

The Truth About Pregnancy and Dental X-Rays

It’s true that x-rays do expose the patient to radiation. It’s also true that excessive exposure during pregnancy has been linked to child malformation and impaired brain function. The key word, though, is “excessive.” The radiation exposure from a dental x-ray is negligible.

If you received an x-ray in the past, you may have noticed your family dentist place a thick apron over you. This is designed to protect your chest and abdomen from radiation. Since it covers the torso, it also shields the fetus. Rest assure that you and your unborn child are safe.

If you’re still concerned, one study published in the US National Library of Medicine found no risk between pregnancy and x-rays.

It’s Your Choice

Some women are especially conscious about limiting radiation exposure and will avoid x-rays until after their first trimester. While this is not necessary, if this gives you a peace of mind, then that’s certainly acceptable. However, if you have a dental emergency that requires oral surgery, then you will probably need an x-ray. In this instance, the x-ray cannot be postponed. If you’re having anxiety, please let your dentist know about your concerns.

We Treat Expectant Mothers at Any Stage of Their Pregnancies

Don’t let a pregnancy prevent you from seeing an endodontist. Let our friendly staff at Mukilteo Dental Arts know if you’re with child, so we can take additional precautions. Rest assured that there is little danger to your pregnancy from dental x-rays; the precious jewel inside you is safe.

Dental Care for Expectant Mothers

General family dentistry for Mukilteo, Everett, Lynnwood, Edmonds & Mill Creek

What Is the Best Age for Braces in Lynnwood?

best age for braces lynnwoodCan you or your child be fitted with braces too early or too late? And what age range is the ideal window of opportunity? We’ll evaluate the best age for braces and why understanding the differences is important. We don’t have a ‘one-age-fits-all’ answer because various factors are at play. Consider these recommendations.

Ages 7–9

Our family dentists recommend evaluations starting between ages seven and nine. Will braces be applied at this age? Not necessarily, but an exam is important to determine whether they will be required down the road. Most if not all permanent teeth are present by this time. Dentists look for misalignments and the need to prescribe braces or partial teeth aligners at some point.

Ages 10–14

This is the age when most dentists fit children with braces. At this point, the baby teeth are completely gone, and the jaw is strong enough to support braces and other oral procedures. Braces may also prescribed at this age for a child who has an overbite or buck teeth. Children are usually mature enough at this age to manage braces without parental supervision.

Ages 15+

What about older teens and adults? You’re never too old for braces. Teeth are like any other bone in the body. They stop growing as you reach adulthood. However, you can always correct them well into your grown-up years. Teeth are the same way. Regardless of age, braces can correct teeth alignment, improving cosmetics and preventing serious oral diseases.

Best Age for Braces in Lynnwood? They’re Applicable at Any Age

We realize that even adults may have uncertainties about braces. Mukilteo Dental Arts provides alternatives to the traditional metal wire braces. Schedule a visit at the beginning of the year for yourself or a child.

Scheduling Consultations Re: The Best Age For Braces and Aligners in Lynnwood

General family dentistry for Mukilteo, Everett, Lynnwood, Edmonds & Mill Creek

Posted on January 9, 2021 | Published by Ignite Local | Related Local Business

When Is Morning Teeth Brushing Ideal, Before or After Breakfast?

brush teethIt’s common knowledge that you should brush your teeth twice daily: in the morning and in the evening. This raises the question: should you brush your teeth before or after breakfast? Is one more beneficial, or is it inconsequential as long as you brush?

The Importance of Morning Brushing

First, let’s discuss brushing your teeth in the morning and why it’s important. Some people eschew morning brushing. Their reason is that they did not eating anything after brushing the night before. Therefore, their teeth are still clean. Actually, this is not true. Even if you consume nothing, your mouth still produces plaque during your eight hours of sleep.

Morning brushing is a vital part of oral hygiene and can prevent major oral surgeries with routine practice.

Brush Your Teeth Before or After Breakfast?

With the importance of morning brushing established, should you do so before or after the first meal of the day? Both are actually acceptable, though we lean towards brushing prior to eating.

Why Brush Before?

If you brush your teeth before you eat, this removes the bacteria, preventing them from feeding on the sugars left behind from your ensuing breakfast. If you brush after, the time between the meal and brushing may be enough for the bacteria to feed on of the sugars. The bacteria produce acid that attacks your teeth’s enamel until you brush. At the same time, though, you don’t want to brush too soon after eating. Brushing within minutes of a meal will push the acid deeper into your teeth.

If you still insist on brushing after, then wait at least 30-minutes. If this is not feasible, then brush before.

Follow a Morning Tooth Brushing Routine

Our family dentists and endodontists recommend brushing before eating, but what’s important is that you brush. This idea is shared across the board by our team at Mukilteo Dental Arts. Brushing before or after breakfast is secondary as long as you brush and maintain the habit.

Family Dental Care

General family dentistry for Mukilteo, Everett, Lynnwood, Edmonds & Mill Creek

Thanksgiving Food Alternatives for Good Dental Health

Thanksgiving food alternatives, thanksgiving foodThanksgiving is one of those days where it’s acceptable to indulge in food without guilt. Even so, we suggest limiting the intake of certain foods that are hazardous to your teeth. Here’s a of list these not-so good foods and the Thanksgiving food alternatives we recommend in their stead.

Candied Yams

Candied yams are laden with marshmallows, which combines sugar and stickiness, a deadly combination for your teeth. The sticky texture means the sugar remains on your teeth for prolonged periods where it serves as food for bacteria. Furthermore, some varieties may contain food dye that, according to our cosmetic dentists, stains teeth.

Eat This Instead: Settle for roasted whole yams, which contain a heap of vitamins A and C, as well as important minerals.

Store-Bought Stuffing

The stuffing you buy in stores contains too much white bread and butter. The former is no better than sugar. Too many refined carbs of this type promotes cavities and oral surgery. Continue Reading →

Types of Underbite Correction: Improve Your Dental Health and Confidence

underbite correctionAn underbite is a dental abnormality; aside from causing functional complications, it can also make you self-conscious about your appearance. Fortunately, there are several methods of underbite correction, including oral surgery.

What Is an Underbite?

Most people know what an overbite is, but an underbite is a less common term. Clinically known as a malocclusion, an underbite is a condition where the lower teeth extend past the upper teeth. The degree of overlap varies and can range from mild to severe. In the latter cases, the overt protrusion can create an appearance similar to that of a bulldog.

Issues with an Underbite

Beyond the undesirable appearance, an underbite can also cause a number of difficulties, such as difficulty eating and speaking. Those with malocclusion are also at an increased risk of developing chronic jaw pain and migraines. Additional issues include teeth decay, bacterial infections, and halitosis. Continue Reading →